How To Make Clementine posset

How To Make Clementine posset

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As much as I try to make new things in the kitchen, I have another priority: not to waste food, not even 1 ounce, if possible at all. It is not always possible, and I fail miserably sometimes, but I keep on trying.

Last week, when I placed the tangerine cookie dough logs in the fridge, I looked at the zested clementines and decided to make something tasty with them. I also had some cream in the fridge, so a posset immediately came to mind – it is such a ridiculously easy to make dessert I feel ashamed of even calling this a recipe, but the result is so delicious, velvety and delicate I had to share it with you.

Recipe adapted from:  How To Make Clementine posset

Clementine posset
slightly adapted from the always great BBC Good Food
300ml heavy cream
¼ cup (50g) granulated sugar
¼ cup (60ml) clementine juice, freshly squeezed
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

Put the cream and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer.
Turn up the heat and bubble for 2 minutes exactly.
Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the juice – mixture will being to thicken slightly.
Stir in the vanilla. Sieve the mixture into a jug, wait for it to cool slightly,
then divide between 4 glasses. Chill for at least 4 hours or until set.
Serves 4

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